The Precious Cross

The monk was praying earnestly to God. “Lord, how I would like to cruise safely the rough seas of life and enter the port of eternity! What boat can I use?”

“The cross,” was the prompt answer of the Lord.

The monk asked again, “Lord, I wish to climb the heights of heaven. What rope can I use to tie myself to the cliffs?”

“The cross,” answered again the Lord.

A third time the monk questioned God, “Lord, I wish to enter the kingdom of heaven. Which key will open the celestial door?”

The Lord repeated tersely, “The Cross.”


The cross is glorious for the believer.

Why is it so important?

Because the cross makes you more human, more mellow, more wise.

They had been waiting for a child for more than six years. So one can imagine their joy when finally the baby arrived. John, the husband was in tears when he saw for the first time, his child, rosy cheeks, so tiny, in the arms of the nurse. But a few minutes later the doctor informed him that he had bad news for him. The child had Down Syndrome. “Would you like me to tell your wife?” kindly asked the doctor. “No, I prefer to tell her myself,” answered John. He went into his wife’s room where she was resting, exhausted but so happy. She smiled at him. From the way he squeezed hr hand, she realized immediately there was a problem. “What’s wrong? The baby?” she asked. “Yes, the baby has Down Syndrome.” She burst out crying.

John embraced her for a long long time. Then he managed to whisper, “Don’t worry, Connie. God knows what He is doing. He knew that we badly wanted a child, we yearned for a child. God also knew that this child would need lots and lots of love. So He gave us this child. You will see, He will help us. A lot.”

Tears kept flowing from their eyes. But now the tears were different. The cross had opened up new horizons for them.


“When I came into this world, I found a chalice waiting for me.

I drank from it and at the bottom found the precious stone of youth.

Youth offered me a beautiful, shining chalice.

I drank from it and at the bottom found the jewel of love.

Love offered me another chalice.

I drank from it and at the bottom found a diamond – the diamond of suffering.

Suffering offered me another chalice.

I drank from it , even though it hurt a great deal.

And at the bottom I found………..God!”