“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful ones.”

(Psalm 116.15)

Rabbi Meir was teaching in the synagogue

when the angel of death touched his two children.

Their sorrowful mother covered them with a sheet

and left them laying in bed.

When the Rabbi came back, the mother greeted him with a question:

“Some time ago a gentleman lent me two precious jewels

and asked me earnestly to watch over them.

He now came and asked back for them; should I give them to him?”

“Of course and quickly!” was the prompt answer of her husband.

“Today, the Lord came and asked me for Rachel and Jonathan.

He wants them back. I gave them back to him,”

she disclosed to him calmly as she led him into the bedroom.

In front of his two dead children, the Rabbi with tears in his eyes exclaimed:

“The Lord gave them to us. The Lord took them back.

May His name be blessed! Now they are sheltered for ever.

He loves our children more than we do!”

This is a simple story taken from the Talmud

that throws a strong light on the pain we feel

in the face of the death of our dear ones.

Death troubles us

because it flaunts the absurdity of the way we plan and build our lives

Death puts us in our place

because it strips us of our senseless pride.

Death helps us also

because it can teach us to worry less.

Death proposes to us

to work not for things that pass

but for those that last for ever.

The reminder of death jogs your memory

to take advantage of the moment we have

and start loving and appreciating those living with us

before it is too late

The memory of death should turn our eyes towards heaven.

Everyone today closes all windows that look towards heaven

It is very easy for us to sweat

as if we were to live here for ever.

It is easy for us to clutch tight to our possessions

as if they will linger with us for ever.

Death can help us unwind a little!

Christianity, as usual, makes one step forward.

Because it announces that, thanks to Jesus Christ,

death has been destroyed.

Death is only a mirage.

The Lord burst open all graves.

When Jesus Christ came face to face with death

He knocked down this leviathan.

To the widow of Naim’s son he said:

“Young man, I say to you, get up!”

To Jairus’ daughter he said:

“Talitha, get up!”

To Lazarus, his friend, he said:

“Come out of the tomb!”

AND all these stood up on their feet.

and came out of their death chamber.

This is the most wonderful news of all.

Jesus Christ came into the world

to demolish death once and for all.

We too, as long as we cling to him,

can be triumphant over death.

We too are called

to live as people already resurrected

so that when we breathe our last breath

we do not die!

I remember when I saw the dead body of my father in the coffin,

then I realized that appearance deceive.

My father was not dead. He was alive!

And I could meet him…

every time I met Jesus Christ,

because he was with Him.

Death has been destroyed.

It does not exist.

“But the souls of the virtuous are in the hands of God,

no torment shall ever touch them.

In the eyes of the unwise, they did appear to die;

their going looked like a disaster,

their leaving us, like annihilation.

If they experienced punishment as men see it,

their hope was rich with immortality.

Slight was their affliction, great will their blessings be;

God has put them to the test,

and accepted them as a holocaust.

When the time comes for his visitation, they will shine out” (Wisdom 3, 1-7)