“Look, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands”

(Isaiah 49.16)

My biggest desire?

To be a genuine disciple of the Master.

This is what I really wish in life.

To be like Him.

To be His follower, His aficionado, His devotee.

This is what I pray for…

That gradually but with determination and… patience (on His part)

He makes me one with him.

Thus His dreams become my dreams,

His projects become my projects,

His ideals become my ideals.

The disciple enjoys listening to his Master.

Like Mary, Lazarus’ sister…

He stays there,

squandering his time,

sitting at His feet, paying attention to every word and gesture He makes.

When the Master reproaches him, He smiles at Him.

When the Master encourages him, he winks at Him!

The disciple above all loves his Master.

Very much.

Whoever loves his mother or father more than me, is not worthy of me…

Whoever loves his son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me…

Their Master is more than a friend.

He is a cherished treasure.

This is the secret:

the colossal love He has for him.

Thus the disciple will gradually draw others towards the Master.

An absolute priority is born in his life:

the work of the Master.

So when he is asked to do something,

he no longer lingers

or asks “why? how? when? where?”

For him just the next step is enough –

he does not need to see the whole project.

After all he knows that His Master is smarter than him!

Even if the Lord takes him by surprise…

he just do the job promptly.

There are no ‘ifs’ or ‘let me think about it’ for him.

His life is in the Lord’s hands.

He knows that if he trusts in Him he will never be dismayed.

And so he moves on

… even if he is not particularly fond of the task given to him,

… even if the Master forgets to congratulate him,

… even when the work becomes tedious and tough,

… even when He is silent…

He keeps going

knowing that His Master is faithful to His promises.

The disciple does not even expect to be perfect in his task

He never says to himself or to others

‘I either do everything well or else I do nothing’.

He knows after all that

if he does everything perfectly.

he would not need His salvation and His encouragement!

And when everything does go awry,

-because of his negligence or laziness or whatever-

the disciple knows he can always hurl himself in the vast ocean of His mercy.

Yes, he is well aware that salvation does not come from him

but from the Lord!

After all

there was a criminal

who became His disciple

just besides the cross.

So, there is a chance also for me!

Lord hold us tight to you,


“Lord Yahweh has given me a disciple’s tongue.

for me to know how to give a word of comfort to the weary.

Morning by morning he makes my ear alert

to listen like a disciple.

Lord Yahweh has opened my ear

And I have not resisted,

I have not turned away.

I have offered my back to those who struck me,

My cheeks to those who plucked my beard;

I have not turned my face away from insult and spitting.

Lord Yahweh comes to my help,

that is why I shall not be put to shame.”

(Isaiah 50)