On The Dot

Life is full of mysteries. Man himself is a mystery to himself… and to others! In the light of faith this mystery starts unravelling itself. The word ‘mystery’ comes from the Greek mysterion, from mystes initiate. These simple reflections can initiate us into the beauty of this mystery called life.
This series of meditations are adaptations of two books published a number of years ago in Malta under the title “Ferejtni – You wounded me, Lord”. They mirrored an earlier stage of my frame of mind and spirituality.
Father Pius Sammut, OCD

Please select one of the reflections below:

Lord, you are unconquerable!
Whoever touches you touches the apple of my eye
Since he clings to me, I rescue him
How long do you mean to hobble first on one leg then on the other?
Better your faithful love than life itself
Why spend your money on what is not bread?
I shall look to Yahweh, my hope is in the God who will save me
Glad heart means a happy face
Shaddai has filled me with fear!
… for I am a jealous God
A fire has been kindled from my wrath
I have loved you, says Yahweh
Write the vision down, inscribe it on tablets
you must put them under the curse of destruction
My beloved had a vineyard
If your enemy is hungry, give him something to eat
Idleness lulls a man to sleep
Every man that walks, only a shadow
“Correct me, Yahweh, but with moderation”
“Yahweh … who formed you in the womb”
“Their recompense is with the Lord”
“The name of Yahweh is a strong tower”
“No one who has confidence in the Lord will come to harm”
“Free me from my fear.”
“Your right hand upholds me!”
“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful ones.”
“God has given me cause to laugh”
“None can trace your footsteps, Lord”
“He covers you with his pinions”
“I cared for you in the desert”
“but the victory is Yahweh’s”
“To work! I am with you.”
“Better to practice almsgiving than to hoard up gold”
“Yahweh is better than a fortress in time of distress…”
“Seek me out and you will survive…”
“Victorious, they will climb the mountain”
“Don’t pass me by”
“I shall be filled with the vision of you, Lord”
“With you I lack nothing on earth”
“I am Black, But Lovely”
“Lord, remember me, take care of me!”
“The arm of Yahweh is not too short”
“You have seduced me, Yahweh, and I have let myself be seduced.”
“Tell him… that I am sick with love.”
“My love for you will never leave you!”
“She had a good figure and a beautiful face…”
“I cried to you for help and you healed me…”
“Look, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands”
“… for God is with us.”
“The proud courts ruin…”
“Even on the slaves shall I pour out my spirit…”
“That woman, worn out with adultery!”
“Gold has been the ruin of many…”
“In secret you teach me wisdom”
“Before there can be glory there must be humility”
“If the Lord had not been on our side…”
“The war is not your affair but God’s”
“My heart like a land thirsty for you”