Neo-Catechumenal Way

“The Way of the New Man!” This is how Pope John Paul II described the Neo-Catechumenal Way: It is not a program or a method. It is not a group or a private association. It is a way of conversion — an itinerary of Christian formation at the service of the parish. It touches and changes people’s lives. It has definitely changed my life! I was a young priest when the announcement arrived in my life in the ‘Immaculate Conception’ parish, Hamrun Malta in December of 1973. At the moment I am part of an itinerant team helping the parishes of Hawaii and Guam to introduce the Neocatechumenal Way.
Father Pius Sammut, OCD

What the Popes Say
Intervention of Kiko Argüello at the Synod of Bishops 1983
A Note from Kiko Arguello
A Path To Re-discovery Of Baptism
Gift Of The Spirit – Hope For Mankind
Look At The Fruits
Kiko on Pope Benedict XVI