Soar Higher

A man was driving along the highway when at the side of the road he noticed a red eagle. He was surprised because that was not its place. Eagles live in cliffs.

He stopped the car and approached it and he soon realized what had happened. Someone must have shot it; since it lost a great amount of blood it totally lost its sense of direction. This man happened to be a vet – “your Father in Heaven takes care even of the birds in the air”. So he took it home and gradually started curing it. It took a long time. But at the end he managed to heal her completely.

So he decided to bring her back to its natural habitat. He took her to a nearby mountain and there he released her.

We are like this bird. We do not have wounded wings but we have wounded hearts. Too much sadness. Too much anger. Too much pain. We have lost too much spirit and so many of us live a very disoriented life. There are times when we do not even know what to do with our own lives.

But Jesus Christ is a doctor, a good doctor.

He can heal.

He wants to heal.

He knows how to heal.

Sometimes He makes use of little children to nurse us back to health.

“It was one of the worst days of my life – Brenda Quinn relates. I had just separated from my husband. I was tired, sick, lonely, hot, desperate. I made an effort and put my son on his high chair next to the table to eat. I put his food in front of him and he was making a mess… I started opening the letters … another bill which I could not afford to pay, because I had no money left. I could not bear it any more. I put my head on the table and burst out crying like a baby. My son looked at me. Probably he had never seen his mum crying. What did he do? He took the dummy off his mouth and gave it to me! I started laughing and crying at the same time! The effort my child made to comfort me made a big difference. It gave me strength to start again…”

The bishop had a hard day. Too many issues that needed to be dealt with. He did not feel like presiding another parish Confirmation but he could not go. To kick off his homily and involve the confirmation kids more, he started asking a number of questions, taking a cue from the readings of the liturgy. “Who knows what an epistle is? The epistle of Saint Paul, for example? Let me see, you tell me…” And he pointed at a girl sitting in the front row. She blushed, confused and puzzled … but at last she stammered: “Epistle is Saint Paul’s wife…” Everyone burst out laughing and the bishop murmured to himself “The Lord has His own ways to relieve my tension…”

Everything that happens to us is an attempt on God’s part to heal us…

And make us laugh more.

Give Him a chance.