Mail In Heaven

The postal service in heaven is always busy. Perhaps you did not know that countless letters are mailed to heaven. Tons of them. Letters of all sizes and languages and from every country in the world. The angels are the letter carriers. Obviously the ones that get most letters are St Anthony, because he is an expert in finding what we lose and St Rita, the saint of the impossible. But the latest information that I have is that Our Lady far surpasses them all. It is just unbelievable. Very reliable sources that I have (!) informed me that she surpasses by far everyone.

Once a rather mischievous angel got the idea of opening a number of these letters sent to Our Lady. He started opening cautiously the envelopes and he was amazed because most of them, understandably enough, were petitions. “Mary heal my son, Mary give me back my health, Mary help me pass my exam, Mary help me find a job, Mary give me a hand in finding a boyfriend…” This angel said to himself: “It seems that these people down on earth have just a stomach and a wallet because all they ask for are material things! But, I suppose that is human nature. There is nothing I can do!” He sealed the letters again and took them all to Mary.

Mary, the Queen of Angels, was sitting with her Angels. When the letters arrived, she opened them one by one, read them very conscientiously and after a short moment of reflection, she started giving orders to the angels, one by one, so that they would put their best energy and wit to solve the problems found in those letters. To the one who asked her help because he was undergoing an operation, she sent the angel of healing: “You go, see what you can do about it.” To the other one who asked her to pass the exam, she sent him an intellectual angel: “Go and help him,” she said, “see that he does well in his exam…” And so Mary continued distributing jobs to the angels. Obviously, all this with Jesus’ permission.

But finally there was a letter that brought a tear in Mary’s eyes. Her whole demeanour changed. All the angels stopped to look at her. Mary exclaimed happily: “Look what this boy wrote to me. Fantastic! ‘Holy Mary, I ask you one thing. Let me become more like your son Jesus every day…’ Signed Gilbert.”

This time she did not hesitate. But standing up and making herself ready to leave immediately, she told the angels: “Listen, I will see to this task personally. I will go myself and let this boy become like Jesus.” It had been a long time since they had seen Mary smiling so radiantly.

She knows how true it is what Saint Teresa of Jesus once wrote, “If Christ Jesus dwells in a man as his friend and noble leader, that man can endure all things, for Christ helps and strengthens us and never abandons us. He is a true friend.”

Is this a legend or a true story?

I don’t know.

All I know is that Mary really has only one gift to give us.

Yes, his name is Jesus!

And she gives him to us from the bottom of her heart…