Am I Blind?

The Gospels speak a lot about blind people. They refer to us a number of miracles that Jesus did giving sight to the blind. He healed the visually impaired. He removed the clouding of the cataracts. Why this insistence on blindness?

Maybe, He wants us to reflect about a deeper blindness that is in us all. Many times, we do not see… We do not see the love of God in the circumstances of our lives. We are so absorbed in our issues that do not see others. Occasionally we do not even see ourselves, we fail to recognise our shortcomings.

A good description of a Christian would be someone who sees.

Two monks entered the room of their companion. The room was very clean, everything was in order, books on the shelf one next to each other, the bed was made, everything spick and span. The older of the two said: “Here lives a holy person, because a clean room reflects a clean soul”.

They moved on through the hallway and came to a room of another monk. They went in… This room was very disorderly, nothing was in its place, the bed was not made, papers on the floor, the windows were dirty. As they walked out of the room, the older monk said: “Here lives a holy person!” The younger monk was surprised: “Have you not just said that a clean room is a sign of a clean soul? This room is anything but clean…” “Yes, I did say so. But do you know why it is so disorderly? Because the monk spends so much time praying that he does not have time to clean the room…”

The ability to excuse! Always. This is Christian maturity.

A blind person accuses. He spends his life pointing his fingers towards others. Adam blames Eve. Eve blames the serpent.

A person that sees, excuses. He understands. He is compassionate. Jesus Christ, crucified on the cross because of the envy of his enemies, says in a loud voice, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Mother Teresa used to remark, “If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive.” “People ask me what advice I have for a married couple struggling in their relationship. I always answer, pray and forgive. And to young people from violent homes, I say pray and forgive. And again even to the single mother with no family support: pray and forgive.”

Another story.

This priest comes across a young man working. It was Sunday. He went up to him and said:

“Mark, don’t you know it is Sunday today?”

“Yes, of course I know!”

“May be you don’t know that on Sunday one cannot do any manual work.”

“Of course I know!”

“Then, perhaps this work you are doing is urgent…”

“No, not urgent at all, I can do it tomorrow or the day after!”

The priest looked up to heaven and said:

“I thank you, Father, because you have made youth so honest that even when they do something wrong, they admit it…”

It was the Dalai Lama, I believe, who once suggested, “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you yourself want to be happy, practice compassion. Simple!