Just Stories

Since my earliest days as a priest — I was ordained a presbyter at only 24 years of age, thanks be to God! — I always had this craze of collecting stories. All kinds of stories from all kinds of sources and all kinds of languages. And so I have stored on my computer (in the beginning it was in box files) thousands upon thousands of stories. Years ago I unearthed some of these stories, added a short reflection to each story and published them in two books in Maltese, entitled ‘L-Istejjer tal-Patri’. This is a translation of these two books. And also some others…I hope they will do good to someone.
Above all, may His name be glorified!

Please, pray for me
Father Pius Sammut, OCD

Please click on one of the stories below:

Leading The Way
The Deer’s Cry
Different Drummer
I Do Not Have Anyone But You
Will I See My Dog In Heaven?
A Diabetic Saint
We Do Not Have The Answers
We Want Bread And Roses
The Privilege Of A Mass
Be Strong And Courageous
Money Makes Us Happy, No?
Our Roots
Gospel Functioning
God Is Like This
Faith Moves Mountains
Innocence Is Beautiful
The Cheerful Have A Feast Every Day
Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Father
What Is Reality?
Our Four Wives
Christian Paradoxes
An Experience
Beauty Tips
Vanity Is The Quicksand Of Reason
One Thousand Paper Cranes
To Change The World
The Thrill Of Announcing The Gospel
“I Am Nobody; Who Are You?”
Died While Celebrating Mass
It Is Better To Be A Child Of God Than King Of The World
Let Us Add Humor To Our Perspective
God’s Wife
Three Giants
“I’ll Be A Saint If I Am One Now”
A Healing Shadow
A Fragment Of The Sky Is Enough
Soar Higher
Take Heed, Lest You Fall
Am I Blind?
Christian Marriage Does Exist!
Suffering Is Redemptive
A Fantastic God!
Do You Want To Heal?
A Kiss
Poor Devil
If All Else Fails, Try The Obvious
Very Well, Very Well
Our Heavenly Friends
Mail In Heaven
Irony of Life
On The Alert
How To Become Holy And Happy Quickly
A King
Many Rooms At My Home
Two Gems
Too Much Haste!
When You Roll Out Of Bed
Here Now
God Explained
Will Of God
A New Way Of Living
An Early Christmas Story
Tenderness Is The Repose Of Passion
A Nursing Child
A Just Man
Mister Pessimism
Your Personal Experience
Love Letter
Welcome To Holland
Just A Dash
The Artist
The Suffering Servant
Blue Cheese
A Mother
Jesus Wants You To Know
Do Not Judge
Blunders Or Miracles?
People Are Like That
Ordinary Heroism
Life Is Bigger
I Am The Path
Pull The Bell Often
Sharpen The Axe
We Cannot Put God In A Box
Good News About Death
Song Of Love
Star of the Sea
Mother Teresa (1)
Mother Teresa (2)