
“It is not the boat in the water that is the problem, it is the water in the boat. It is not the Christian in the world that is the problem, it is the world in the Christian. These insights may help you to empty gradually the boat from the worldly water inside us!”
Please, pray for me
Father Pius Sammut, OCD

Please click on one of the stories below:

The One And Only
Love Is A Costly Thing
Off By Six Miles
The One And Only
The Dust Of Saint Therese
The Forgotten Medicine
Three Cardinals Speak Out
The Seed Of The Church
John The Dwarf
How To Be Miserable
An Affair
Notable Quotes
Hope In Adversity
He Makes Me Laugh
A Malignant Cancer
A Stone, A Frog, A Whistle
Off By Six Miles
Love Is A Costly Thing
Old Age
Page From A Diary
Living And Active
The Little Bishop
Hooked For Life
Make It Happen
The Tenderness of God
Prodigal Father
The Creative Power of Kindness
Stone Rollers
The Scars Of Love
How To Be Great
The Killers And A Rescuer
Do Not Be A Fool
God Laughs
The Way Of Peace
The Unknown Mary
Dynamic Patience
Heroic In Suffering
An Analysis Of Our Catholicism
Wounded Love
Divine Opportunity
A Job Description Of A Christian
The Gentle Presence Of Mary
I Will Not Weep
A Savior
To Blossom Is Our Vocation
A New Dance
Big Hole
Gospel Power
Knock, Knock. Who Is There?
The Ten Words
The Dilemma Of Moses
Inscrutable Is God Almighty
Abortion Hurts Women